Emanuel J. Carter Jr.
M.R.P. '78
SUNY ESF professors Joceyln Gavitt and Emanuel J. Carter Jr. led an undergraduate landscape architecture class in collaboration with the Nature Conservancy in 2018 to envision ways to transform abandoned lots into green spaces in the Joseph Avenue neighborhood in Rochester, New York. photo / provided
The ESF Center for Biosphere Reserve Studies supports research, revitalization, and stewardship of the Champlain-Adirondack Biosphere Reserve, as well as other regional biospheres. photo / provided
Syracuse, New York, Vacant Land Study

Urban Vacant Land Study (2001), Onondaga Lakefront Remediation Area, Syracuse, New York.
Organizations: Community Foundation of Central New York, HUD Home Headquarters, Peace, Inc., and Syracuse Department of Community Development. Design: Emanuel Carter, Maria Ignatieva, Juan C. Beltran, Jan V. Brath, Juan Vilela, and Patrick Kelly.
SUNY New Paltz Campus Study

SUNY New Paltz Master Plan Study (1988–89), New Paltz, New York.
ESF Center for Biosphere Reserve Studies

Map of the Champlain-Adirondack Biosphere Reserve, a UNESCO-designated biosphere reserve, spanning New York and Vermont.

The Center offers courses to introduce students to biosphere reserves and their on-site management. One course includes exploration of the Champlain-Adirondack Biosphere Reserve in New York and Vermont.
Urban Ecosystem Design Workshop

Green Infrastructure and Landscape International Workshop (2017), Center for Environmental Studies GreenLab, Vitoria Gasteiz, Spain.
SUNY ESF students traveled to Spain in 2017 to work with urban design professionals on designing green infrastructure and ecological and social connectivity for a neighborhood in Vitoria Gasteiz, the 2012 winner of the European Commission's European Green Capital Award.
Onondaga Botanical Garden and Arboretum Master Plan

Professor Emanuel J. Carter Jr., Patricia Voltolini, and Sue Wyndham, Proposed Greenhouse Complex (2005), Syracuse, New York.

Professor Emanuel J. Carter Jr., Patricia Voltolini, and Sue Wyndham, Proposed Greenhouse Complex and Formal Garden: Summer (2005), Syracuse, New York.

Professor Emanuel J. Carter Jr., Patricia Voltolini, and Sue Wyndham, Proposed Plan for the Greenhouse Complex and Formal Garden (2005), Syracuse, New York.

Professor Emanuel J. Carter Jr., Patricia Voltolini, and Sue Wyndham, The Formal Garden in Winter (2005), Syracuse, New York.
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